Monday, June 20, 2011

I'm Featured Again! Plus Comments on Outdoor Arts Festivals

Another fellow handmade artist has featured me on her blog.  I'm very flattered and grateful.  I encourage everyone to check out her Etsy shop and her blog.  She recycles fabrics and turns it into bracelets and other wonderful items.  My favorite is a bracelet made out of neckties.  See it at  Her Etsy shop is located at .

You can read her post about me at

Next weekend (June 25-26) here in Eagan is the annual Arts Festival.  They feature artists who do jewelry, pottery, prints and a few other things.  There is always a lot of nice stuff to look at.  I hope the weather is better for them this year than last year.  Last year the temperature was in the 90's and it was extremely humid.  It's an outdoor show, so I felt very sorry for the artisans who had to sit out in the heat and humidity for 2 days.  It was so miserable out that even attending the festival wasn't enjoyable. All you wanted to do was just quick walk through and go back to your air conditioned car.

That's why I've never done an outdoor show.  They seem so dependent on the weather.  If it rains or storms, you and your items get very wet and no one comes.  Then you've spent a lot of money on entrance fees and invested a lot of time and not gotten much in return.  And if it's too hot and humid, you'll be miserable and attendance will be down too because people don't want to go out in the heat and humidity.  Plus you have to invest in a tent for your booth.  And entrance fees for outdoor shows are always quite high around here.  At least with indoor shows at churches, schools, etc., weather isn't as big a factor and the entrance fees are usually pretty reasonable. 

I'd love to hear any comments on whether or not the readers have participated in outdoor shows and why or why not.

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